The Arts: Music
Music is taught by a specialist teacher across Years 1-6. All students in Years 1-6 receive a specialist lesson in Music once a week for 60 minutes. Music lessons are conducted in a purpose built and well equipped Music Room attached to our undercover area. There are many instruments for the students to access and use during their classes and lessons include using tuned and untuned percussion instruments together with guitars and keyboards to teach and consolidate musical concepts. Students regularly use the whole class set of African drums (djembes) to create rhythms and beats. Music is reported on in two areas each semester, making music and responding to music.
Students can elect to be a part of the school choir who meet every week for 45 minutes. The choir is a non-audition choir for students in Years 4, 5 and 6 who love to sing. The choir performs at various in-school events such as the Anzac Service, Grandparents’ Assembly and Thank You Morning Tea. The choir also joins other choirs from different schools at events such as the Massed Choir Festival, the One Big Voice Concert at the Perth Arena and the Joondalup Lantern Festival. Our main aim is to promote a love of singing and a sense of belonging.
In Year 6 some students are offered the opportunity to participate in small group guitar lessons run by the School of Instrumental Music. Admission into these lessons is based on the SIM Musical Aptitude test, music teacher assessment and consultation with classroom teachers.